Business ManagementClients and Members How to Retain Your Fitness Clients with Help From Trainerize

They say on average, that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one.

So once you are training a few clients, keeping on top of all of them, and making sure they are happy, is extremely important.

Client Retention + Trainerize

Let’s discuss how we can work on client retention using the Trainerize platform. If used right and effectively, Trainerize is your best tool and can even be your selling point to customers. Share all the features and add-ons as a way to interest potential clients. Tell them about the personal training plans, meal planning, the integration with Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, and the ability to track all progress through photos and check-ins.

Make sure you are doing these few things each week with your clients to ensure they are getting the best service possible:

  1. Check your clients’ training plans and make them progressively harder every two to three weeks
  2. Check clients’ meal plans on MyFitnessPal and making any necessary changes
  3. Talk with the client and get their feedback to make the experience better and more enjoyable for them

Sharing and Celebrating in Your Clients’ Milestones

Small things such as congratulating your client on a new personal best, or giving them positive encouragement for hitting their weekly weight can seem big to the client. You can share these messages one-on-one, or you can share their milestones publicly on your social media channels or website to make the client feel good about themselves, and also let them know that you want to share their success. (It may be best to get their permission before sharing anything publicly, though.)

🌟 FREE RESOURCE: The Client Retention Cheat Sheet for Personal Trainers

Doing these small little things goes a long way in a client’s eyes, and you never know–it could lead to a new client through word of mouth. Never slip up on what you promise to a current client. At the end of the day, your clients are your business.

Take your Fitness Business to the next level.
Start your free 30-day trial of Trainerize. 

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