Business Growth February 4, 2016 How Photo Meal Logs Can Impact Results and Educate Your Clients on Nutrition
Save Time and Effort Building Workouts: Use Exercise Videos! January 28, 2016 I’m sure many of you have noticed that Trainerize added great new videos to their exercise library, if you haven’t…
3 Ways to Turn Interested People Into Paying Clients January 14, 2016 Sales not as high as you thought they would be? What are you doing wrong? Trainers, how are…
Tap into Your Full Online Training Potential in 2016 with Corporate Fitness Training December 28, 2015 I am sure this past year you have been working hard to build your network of online training…
3 Ways to Better Track Online Cardio Sessions Using Trainerize December 10, 2015 As a trainer I’m sure you have come across this many times: you prescribe “intense” cardio intervals to…
Run a Successful Fitness Challenge Online By Leveraging Social Media And Friends December 5, 2015 Have you ever been sitting during your self-designated office hours and come up with an amazing idea or…
Fitness Marketing Tips: Start Getting Clients for the New Year! December 2, 2015 As the end of the year is approaching, if you haven’t already started lining up your New Year promotions…
Winter is here! Attract more clients with winter workouts November 20, 2015 As the temperature drops and winter slowly starts to creep in, it’s important to use this to our…
The 5 Worst Gym Mistakes Ever – Fun Video November 9, 2015 Check out this fun video showing the 5 Worst Gym Mistakes ever created by Francis, one of our…