Promote and Sell More Online Training With Pictures and Videos June 16, 2016 People won’t understand how easy it is until you show them. Here’s how you can promote and sell…
Don’t Let Your Fitness Marketing Efforts Go Unnoticed March 22, 2016 Do you sometimes feel like you work so hard to put together an amazing post for Instagram or…
Engage With Clients on Social Media to Build Your Online Training Business March 11, 2016 If you’ve got plenty of 1-on-1 personal training clients, but your goal is to eventually start doing more…
Attract Clients Who Don’t Go to the Gym With Body Weight Exercises March 3, 2016 Many people are intimidated by the idea of going to the gym, spending money on something they are not sure…
How to Market and Sell a Fitness Challenge – All You Need to Know February 8, 2016 Goals. Goals. Goals. Everyday, lots of people decide to make changes and improvements to the way they live their…
Save Time and Effort Building Workouts: Use Exercise Videos! January 28, 2016 I’m sure many of you have noticed that Trainerize added great new videos to their exercise library, if you haven’t…
3 Ways to Turn Interested People Into Paying Clients January 14, 2016 Sales not as high as you thought they would be? What are you doing wrong? Trainers, how are…
Tap into Your Full Online Training Potential in 2016 with Corporate Fitness Training December 28, 2015 I am sure this past year you have been working hard to build your network of online training…