Business Management January 11, 2017 Strengthen Trainer-Client Relationships by Maintaining a Personal Touch!
How to Build Relationships with Your Clients Through Trainerize December 19, 2016 How Important Are Your Relationships with Your Clients? Communication can be known as one of the most important…
Increase Client Accountability By Adding Workouts to Their Schedule November 16, 2016 One of the hardest aspects of training clients online is holding them accountable to their workouts and motivating…
Retaining Your Clients Over the Winter Months October 24, 2016 Retaining your clients over the winter months is all about being available for your clients and showing them why…
Periodized Training Plans Keep Clients Motivated and Coming Back For More October 17, 2016 How do we not only gain new online training clients, but also keep them as paying clients long-term? It…
How to Retain Your Fitness Clients with Help From Trainerize October 6, 2016 They say on average, that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep…
Keep Your Online Clients Working Hard by Prescribing Interval Workouts October 4, 2016 How do we, as online trainers, know if our online clients are performing our prescribed interval programs properly?…
Using Your Listening Skills to Truly Understand Your Clients (or Get More Clients) August 30, 2016 In the business world, everyone is always encouraging others to find someone whom you can learn from–a mentor,…
5 Ways to Harness Technology for Fitness Client Success August 24, 2016 Technology has taken over our lives, and in terms of managing client success, it’s become a game-changer. As trainers,…