Postpartum Training: Key Considerations for Personal Trainers June 11, 2023 Did you know that over 85% of women in the USA are getting pregnant and becoming mothers by…
How to Become a Corporate Wellness Coach in 2023 May 23, 2023 Learn how to become a corporate wellness coach and transform your career this year. Workplaces actually believe in…
How to Become a Lifestyle Coach May 16, 2023 As fitness professionals, you know that clients often encounter challenges when they strive to achieve their long-term goals…
What is a Lifestyle Coach? May 15, 2023 Regardless of their mindset and abilities, people will encounter challenges along the road to achieving their goals. And…
How to Adapt Your Clients’ Health Routines for Fall September 19, 2022 As summertime leads into fall (the first day of autumn is September 22!), all the sudden it’s football,…
How “Wellness” Fits into Personal Training August 20, 2020 When you hear the term “wellness,” what do you think about? The Instagram hashtag? (Which has been used…
How (and Why!) to Introduce Meditation to Fitness Clients August 11, 2020 Meditation is nothing new—it’s an ancient practice that’s thousands of years old. But while it spent many years…
Why Healthy Habits Are the Best Thing for Your Clients to Focus On Right Now May 11, 2020 “You’re adjusting to a new normal.” Has anyone said this to you recently? Or have you said it…