Coaching and ServicesHabit and Lifestyle CoachingPersonal Development How to Become a Health Coach

Are you a personal trainer or someone who works in health and wellness? Have you ever thought about exploring a new career path? Becoming a certified health coach could be a great option to consider. 👀

First, health coaches are pros at helping people build healthy habits and make positive lifestyle changes that last. As a health coach, you could help your clients even more—not just with fitness, but also with things like nutrition, managing stress, improving sleep, changing behaviors, and overall well-being!

Plus, with healthcare costs on the rise and more people struggling with chronic diseases, there’s a growing need for health coaches who can guide people to prevent issues before they even start. 

Next, getting certified as a health coach shows you have advanced expertise that sets you apart. Keep reading to explore this potential career option!

What is a Certified Health Coach? 🧐

A certified health coach is a professional trained to help people improve their overall health and well-being. They don’t just focus on physical fitness, but take a whole-life approach. 

Next, certified health coaches guide clients to develop positive habits related to areas like nutrition, managing stress, sleeping better, stopping smoking, and achieving a healthy lifestyle.

If you were to become a health coach, you’d use strategies based on psychology, coaching methods, and behavior change principles. Then, through a supportive partnership, you’d help clients build self-awareness, set realistic health goals aligned with their values, overcome obstacles, and build sustainable healthy habits.

What credentials do I need to become a certified health coach?

First, the field of health coaching is largely unregulated, so taking the extra steps to get certified makes sure you stand out. Plus, you’ll be better equipped to help your clients create meaningful changes in their lives.

Next, to become certified, it’s typical to complete an approved training program that meets industry standards for education and skills development. You’ll also need real-world experience, like completing a minimum number of coaching sessions. Finally, you’ll need to pass a certification exam.

And, while it’s not *required* to get a formal education to become a health coach, it never hurts to have additional knowledge in dietetics, exercise science, or a related field. Consider an associate degree or a Bachelor’s degree another feather in your cap towards building a vibrant career!

It’s also common for health coaches to complete CPR/AED training.  

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Where can I get health coach training to get certified?

It’s important to seek out a respected organization for accreditation.

If you’re not sure where to start and want to explore a variety of options, we recommend checking out the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). They’re the go-to independent resource in the US for determining whether or not a professional certification program checks all the boxes. 

If you’re ready to skip to the most reputable organizations, keep reading: 

National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)

When it comes to becoming a certified health coach, the NBHWC sets the standard of excellence. They administer a highly regarded certification—the National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches (NBC-HWC)—helping ensure quality and credibility in the field.

American Council on Exercise (ACE) 

This is an NCCA-accredited credential that trains professionals to help clients develop sustainable healthy behaviors. The program covers techniques grounded in behavioral science like motivational interviewing, active listening, and goal setting. 

The National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC)

Designed specifically for nurses and other licensed clinicians, this certification program is all about learning to coach patients on managing chronic conditions and health risks. 

What are the Benefits of Health Coaching?

Now, if you’ve read this far, you may be wondering if it’s worth taking your career to the next level by becoming a certified health coach. The extra training and effort can really pay off by allowing you to better serve your clients in several key ways. Let’s explore ‘em below: 

🧘‍♀️ Take a holistic health approach. Rather than solely focusing on fitness, health coaches take a full-body approach. You’ll be equipped to guide clients on nutrition, stress management, sleep habits, and overall balanced living for improved well-being.

⭐️ Create lasting behavior change. You’ll learn proven coaching strategies grounded in psychology, like motivational interviewing. These skills empower clients to build self-awareness, overcome barriers. And to develop sustainable healthy habits, not just short-term results.

🙆‍♂️ Learn to treat the whole person. Health coaches collaborate with clients as full partners in the process. You’ll know how to really listen, understand their unique situations and values, and co-develop personalized action plans that work for their real lives!

❤️‍🩹 Prevent and manage health conditions. With advanced training, you’ll be able to work with clients dealing with chronic illnesses, injuries, or high health risks. As a coach, you can help them prevent, cope with, and even improve many conditions through lifestyle changes.

🧠 Expand your expertise. Gaining deeper knowledge in areas like behavior change science and lifestyle medicine can really enhance your professional credibility. A respected health coach certification allows you to stand out and attract new types of clients.

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Why are Health Coaches Important?

Health coaches play a key role in supporting overall wellness across different settings. At gyms and fitness centers, they empower clients to build lasting exercise and nutrition habits for better health. But their impact goes beyond just weight loss or building muscle.

You’ll also find health coaches working in healthcare facilities like hospitals and clinics. Here, they team up with a patient’s doctors and nurses, providing guidance to better manage ongoing health issues through positive lifestyle adjustments. From improving sleep and reducing stress to preventing worsening conditions, health coaches help unlock people’s own abilities for healthier living. 😊

So, whether working one-on-one or in groups, in a private gym or a public health setting, health coaches create positive ripple effects. As they inspire meaningful behavior changes in clients, those personal transformations benefit families, workplaces, and entire communities!


What is the Ideal Personality of a Health Coach?

The most effective health coaches tend to possess certain key personality traits:

👂 Active listening skills. Being able to fully listen and understand a client’s situation, needs, and motivations is crucial. Active listening shows you care and allows you to develop truly personalized coaching approaches.

🤗 Compassion. Having a sincere desire to help others and ease their struggles cultivates trust. Clients are more likely to open up when they feel their coach’s compassion.

✨ Positivity. Maintaining an encouraging, upbeat attitude can be motivating for clients working through difficult lifestyle changes. A positive mindset from their coach helps clients persevere.

🪴 Patience. Sustainable behavior change takes time. Patient coaches can celebrate small wins and continue providing accountability when clients face setbacks.

🤔 Curiosity and open-mindedness. Avoiding judgment and meeting clients where they’re at shows respect. Being open to different perspectives allows for collaborative problem-solving.

The most impactful coaches combine these traits with expertise in areas like psychology, nutrition, fitness, and illness prevention. This powerful blend helps build strong partnerships that facilitate lasting transformations!

What are the Main Skills Required of a Health Coach?

Being an effective health coach takes mastering a blend of different coaching skills and abilities. Top coaches combine expertise in nutrition and fitness with skills in psychology, motivation, and communication.

Next, active listening is one of the most important talents. By truly understanding a client’s needs, values, and challenges, coaches can develop personalized action plans that feel relatable and achievable. 

Motivational interviewing builds on active listening—coaches guide conversations to raise a client’s self-awareness and desire for positive change.

Creating individualized health programs is an art form. Coaches turn clients’ goals into sustainable nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle plans customized for their real situations. Effectively “meeting people where they are” requires flexibility, creativity, and viewing the whole person.

Coaches must also be skilled partners in changing health behaviors. They need abilities like goal-setting, identifying high-risk situations, problem-solving, building support systems, and providing accountability. An empathetic yet firm coaching style empowers clients to overcome obstacles.

At the core, strong health coaches can keenly assess readiness for change. They build trust through compassion, patience, and avoiding judgment. This allows clients to actively participate in their own health and wellness journeys.

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Run Your Health Coaching Business with ABC Trainerize

Next, becoming a certified health coach is a great way to take your career to the next level. With the right training and credentials, you’ll be equipped to make an even bigger impact on your clients’ lives!

Finally, as you work towards this advanced credential, remember that ABC Trainerize has tools to support health coaches at every step. 💪

Build custom wellness programs that combine fitness, nutrition, habit coaching, and client accountability all in one convenient place. Plus, you can streamline your business ops with scheduling, payments, form storage, and more!

See for yourself—sign up for a 30-day free trial below today!

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