Business ManagementClients and MembersFundamentals and Best Practices How to Streamline Fitness Business Operations at Your Gym or Fitness Studio

If you have a growing gym or fitness studio, you’re probably two things: super psyched about it and always trying to improve your operations. 

How do you do it all efficiently and effectively? 

As a fitness studio owner, you are most likely managing many different trainers and possibly dealing with hundreds of clients in different stages of their fitness journey. 

Hopefully you aren’t still using paper to manage your business, as the world is going digital, with the fitness industry leading the charge! Personal training software allows you to go completely paperless, hosting all your documents and info on your clients digitally. It also allows you to do a whole lot more, we’ve listed some more uses below! 

4 Ways Software Can Assist in your Fitness Business Operations 

#1: Monitor your business growth 

First things first, as the owner of a fitness business–whether it’s a gym or studio, or sole proprietorship–you want to be able to see how your business is doing. For this you need great stats. A personal training software (like ABC Trainerize!) allows you to see everything in one spot: your business health, all the trainers, the clients they are training and their workout calendars. Our dashboard also shows at-a-glance the status of your training business–in the growth in number of active clients over time. It’s great to see how far you’ve come!

Check Out: Fitness Technology You Need in Your Gym 

#2: Manage your trainers and coaches 

To scale your fitness business, you’ll want to empower your employees and leave someone in charge of operations when you’re not available.  

In ABC Trainerize, you can set different permission levels for different trainers. Want one person to manage a location and all its trainers? Give them Manager access. Do you want certain trainers to be able to step in and cover when other trainers are away? They can have Shared Trainer access and see all trainers and clients at their specific location. This allows for more flexibility when it comes to handling the client-side of your fitness studio, and it removes any bottlenecks associated with access rights.  

Enable your trainers to be effective without you, and you’ll soon be able to identify and develop the manager roles you need to expand your business to another location or even franchise. 

#3: Organize your clients 

To keep track of clients that are actively training and paying, and those that are no longer active, you’ll need a software that can manage this easily. You’ll never guess what…You can do it in ABC Trainerize. Separate Training Clients from Archived Clients, and easily move people from Archived back to Training Clients when they become active again. 

You can also view which clients have not been active lately, have not messaged you back recently, and more. Clients are automatically tagged in the system to bubble up the ones that need more attention, and you can message them all at once, or individually, with a click of a button.

To make sure nothing is missed, shared trainer notes on the client profile allow trainers to know what’s happened with their client while they were away. 

Check Out: A Fitness Studio’s Guide to AI (Artificial Intelligence) 

#4: Automate your business 

Messaging all your clients can be tough. You may rely on your trainers to keep on top of them, but you also have the option of automating in-app messages in ABC Trainerize to keep clients engaged. Automate messages to send after a client’s first workout, on their birthday, or when they’ve hit a personal best. 

Another way we can make your life easier as a business owner is with integrations. with Zapier, an app that lets you connect hundreds of other business apps to the platform to perform your most time-consuming tasks. Automate payments, e-signatures, Par-Q forms, and subscription to email lists with ease.

Check out some of the most popular integrations here. 

Looking to streamline operations at your gym/studio? We’ve got you covered. Sign up for a 30-day free trial below to get started!
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