Best PracticesSocial Responsibility Marketing to the LGBTQ+ Community: A How-To Guide for Gyms and Fitness Studios

Building an inclusive, welcoming environment in your gym or fitness studio is crucial—not just for fostering community, but also for standing out as a business that truly cares.

As the owner of a fitness business, you’re passionate about creating a welcoming environment for all your members. This is a particularly important issue for LGBTQ+ individuals, who face unique challenges and discrimination in various social settings, including gyms.

A key part of creating this inclusive environment is how you market it. It’s vital to do so with respect, authenticity, and understanding.

Check Out: How to Build an LGBTQ-Friendly Gym  

If you’re looking to market your gym or fitness studio to the LGBTQ+ community, here’s how you can do it in a way that goes beyond rainbow logos during Pride month and truly makes an impact.

5 Ways Gyms and Studios Can Market to the LGBTQ+ Community

#1: Start with authentic, inclusive messaging

When marketing to the LGBTQ+ community, authenticity is key. Your messaging should reflect a genuine commitment to inclusivity, not just a surface-level acknowledgment. 

Use gender-neutral language in your marketing materials and consider the imagery you use. Are you showcasing diverse body types, genders, and identities? If not, it could be a good time to rethink how you’re visually presenting your brand. 

#2: Train your staff on LGBTQ+ inclusivity

Having an inclusive marketing strategy is only one part of the puzzle. Your gym staff must be aligned with your commitment to creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ members.  

Provide sensitivity training for your team, so they know how to handle various situations appropriately. This can really go a long way to making your LGBTQ+ members feeling truly seen and welcome, meaning they’re much more likely to refer your services to other members of the community. 

#3: Design LGBTQ+ friendly programs and services

Creating programs specifically for the LGBTQ+ community is another excellent way to market your gym as inclusive. This could mean offering transgender-friendly fitness programs, or perhaps hosting group classes that cater to LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Additionally, you can provide gender-neutral changing rooms and bathrooms in your facility to ensure comfort and safety for all members. For example, transgender individuals may feel more comfortable in gender-neutral spaces, and this simple change can make a world of difference to their gym-going experience! 

#4: Feature LGBTQ+ success stories

Can’t see, can’t be.

One of the most effective ways to market to any community is by showcasing stories of people like them thriving in your space.

Reach out to your LGBTQ+ members and ask if they’d be willing to share their fitness journeys in your gym. These personal stories not only make for inspiring content, but also provide authentic testimonials that show your gym as a safe, supportive place for LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Highlight how your facility has contributed to their fitness goals while emphasizing the welcoming environment they’ve found in your gym. Sharing these stories on social media or your website makes your marketing more relatable and genuine. 

#5: Partner with LGBTQ+ organizations and events

One of the most impactful ways to show your support is through partnerships. Team up with local LGBTQ+ organizations or sponsor Pride events to raise awareness about your gym’s inclusive approach. 

Whether you’re offering free classes during Pride Week or hosting an event supporting LGBTQ+ health and fitness, these actions demonstrate your commitment to the community beyond just words. 

These partnerships also provide an excellent opportunity to increase your visibility and attract more LGBTQ+ individuals to your facility. You’re not just marketing your gym—you’re becoming an integral part of the community and a true ally.

The National Coming OUT Day Virtual Fitness Summit

Our friends at The OUT Foundation are hosting their National Coming OUT Day Health and Fitness Summit on Friday, October 11th.

This virtual event brings together health and wellness professionals for education, training and awareness around the LGBTQ+ community’s need in being welcomed and included in health and wellness spaces.

The Summit will feature an array of education, keynote speaker, entertainment and networking for those in the health and wellness industry looking to make the vision of a healthy and thriving LGBTQ+ community a reality.

Interested in signing up? You can register for the event here! 

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