How to Build Client Trust (Even If You’ve Never Made a Sale) November 18, 2019 Building client trust is the absolute most important part of building your client list. Before you even think…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Drink Only Zero-calorie Drinks November 16, 2019 Juice. Soda. Lattes. Milkshakes. Depending on the size of these drinks and what your caloric needs are, the…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Take a More Active Route November 16, 2019 What is your thought pattern when you need to go somewhere? Getting there quickly. How can you be…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Eat Until 80% Full November 16, 2019 It’s sometimes hard to know when we’ve reached being full enough. Most of our perceptions of “full” is…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Practice a Bedtime Ritual November 16, 2019 Routines act like cues for our bodies and minds. Having established routines provide regularity and consistency with expected…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Eat Vegetables November 16, 2019 Despite the ample amount of conflicting nutrition research flooding the internet today, one thing appears to remain consistently…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Digital Detox Before Bed November 16, 2019 Removing all of your digital connections before bed might seem like a suggestion to return to the Stone…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Recruit Social Support November 16, 2019 There’s a good reason why #fitfam has become such a major hashtag in the world of fitness social…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Practice Eating Slowly November 16, 2019 Take your time while eating. Slow down. Think about the different flavors you’re tasting. The texture of the…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Abstain from Alcohol November 16, 2019 Alcoholic drinks are intertwined with many of our adult social activities—birthday celebrations, toasts at weddings, getting together for…
Habit Coaching with Trainerize: Celebrate the Wins November 16, 2019 How big does a win need to be before we celebrate it? Does a promotion count? A birthday?…