Foolproof Strategies for Building an Email List for your Fitness Business June 24, 2019 If you’ve been paying attention to any online marketing experts or business gurus, you’ve likely heard them say…
3 Ways to Measure Success as a Fitness Professional June 17, 2019 Fitness professionals enter the business because of their passion for health, for helping others, or a combination of…
My Experience Speaking at FitTechSummit. Gym 2.0: Human-Data Love Story June 10, 2019 This past week, I had the opportunity to speak at the FitTechSummit, Europe’s largest conference on fitness technology,…
3 Tips to Share with Clients to Help Them Get a Better Night’s Sleep June 10, 2019 Often times, I hear clients tell me they’ve crushed their workouts all week, and kept their nutrition on…
Featured in Club Solutions Magazine: 4 Ways Fitness Clubs Can Leverage Virtual Members June 7, 2019 Online training, virtual training or digital training… call it what you’d like, but the reality is that it’s…
Making Your Personal Training LGBTQ+ and Trans Inclusive June 6, 2019 Training with an individual who is within the LGBTQ+ community is not a whole lot different than training…
7 Reasons to Start Your Own Fitness Business June 3, 2019 Want to start your own fitness business? The idea of starting a fitness business is exciting yet terrifying…
Trainerize Ranked as Top Personal Training Software by G2 May 31, 2019 We are absolutely thrilled to be ranked as a High Performer in the personal training software category by…
Sell More Online Training This Summer with Customized Summer Programs May 31, 2019 Are you having trouble selling online training packages heading into the summer months? With kids out of school, patios…
Live Your Best Life: Turn Your Dream Work Schedule into a Reality May 27, 2019 There’s a lot of talk on the internet these days about living the laptop lifestyle. Online fitness coaches…
Trainer Spotlight: Ariana Fotinakis Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching May 23, 2019 For some, a career as a fitness professional is a life-long dream, while others stumble into the role…
How to Lose a Personal Training Client in 30 Days or Less (A.K.A. What Not to Do) May 20, 2019 We often talk about how to accumulate and retain personal training clients and how to help those individuals…