4 Steps To Starting A Personal Training Business October 28, 2016 The business of personal training can be an exciting path to walk down, but like any other business,…
Meal Plans: Encourage your Clients to Emulate, Not Eliminate, their Favorite Diet October 27, 2016 Are you giving your clients customized meal plans? Are you taking into account their preferences (satiety, macro needs,…
Sean Currey was able to Increase Client Retention Rates and Offer More Services with ABC Trainerize October 25, 2016 Sean Currey first became a personal trainer over 6 years ago. It all started when he had a…
The Benefits of using an Online Personal Trainer October 25, 2016 You’re skeptical about this new “online personal training” idea. Well, we’re here to tell you that the benefits…
Retaining Your Clients Over the Winter Months October 24, 2016 Retaining your clients over the winter months is all about being available for your clients and showing them why…
Caffeine Basics in Health and Fitness October 17, 2016 Caffeine is one of the most widely talked about nutritional supplement topics in the media. The FDA has classified…
Periodized Training Plans Keep Clients Motivated and Coming Back For More October 17, 2016 How do we not only gain new online training clients, but also keep them as paying clients long-term? It…
3 Ways To Start Growing Your Online Training Business Using Pinterest October 13, 2016 Don’t Forget Pinterest! I have done many blog posts in the past discussing how to use social media…
Positioning Online Training as a Premium Service October 12, 2016 Online training has many benefits for both trainers and clients. Are you using these benefits to your advantage?…
3 Tips For Building Your Online Training Exercise Video Library October 11, 2016 We all know that even the thought of video-taping yourself performing and explaining each and every single exercise…
Can an Online Trainer Deliver a Client Assessment? The Answer is Yes. October 11, 2016 Let’s be clear: assessing clients as an online personal trainer without being physically present is absolutely possible, most…
How to Retain Your Fitness Clients with Help From Trainerize October 6, 2016 They say on average, that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep…