Check-ins are now available with the latest Trainerize upgrade! April 20, 2014 In the last Trainerize upgrade, we made key changes to lower the learning curve for both clients and trainers…
Who is Your Target Market? Build success through a targeted approach! April 9, 2014 As a trainer, you might train a wide array of “client-types”, however, if you look closer into your…
Mike Campbell shares his new book and his secret to success with online training April 8, 2014 When we caught up with Mike earlier this year in Sydney, he was hard at work with the…
Grow your online training business with these simple tips! April 1, 2014 As you begin to get comfortable into your online personal training business it is important to never stop…
How to manage email overload from fitness clients! March 18, 2014 If you are a personal trainer you understand what I mean when I say “email overload” right? If…
Workout Templates will keep clients interested March 11, 2014 Depending on how you (as a trainer) set up your services on your Trainerize website, you may or…
Use Challenges to Keep Clients Motivated! March 5, 2014 Sometimes it’s hard to keep your online personal training clients motivated, what have you done lately to increase…
Turn “curious” clients into paying clients! February 25, 2014 The business of personal training is a very interesting one; the relationship between client and trainer is a…
Why limit yourself? Try new things and grow your business! February 18, 2014 If you are using Trainerize to run grow your business and run a successful online training program, I’m…
Learn more about your clients with consultation forms! February 11, 2014 As a personal trainer you should know how important it is to meet with your clients prior to…
Upgrade To Streamline Experiences For Multiple Trainers Businesses February 6, 2014 We’ve streamlined and enhanced the trainer page and made it easier for you to manage multiple trainers in…
Stay on your game! Keep your ideas fresh and grow your business! February 4, 2014 One of the most important parts about being a business owner is making sure you continue to improve…