3 Ways to Measure Success as a Fitness Professional June 17, 2019 Fitness professionals enter the business because of their passion for health, for helping others, or a combination of…
Live Your Best Life: Turn Your Dream Work Schedule into a Reality May 27, 2019 There’s a lot of talk on the internet these days about living the laptop lifestyle. Online fitness coaches…
How to Lose a Personal Training Client in 30 Days or Less (A.K.A. What Not to Do) May 20, 2019 We often talk about how to accumulate and retain personal training clients and how to help those individuals…
2 Ways to Use Trainerize to Coach Clients in Areas Other Than Fitness April 22, 2019 I have been using Trainerize to coach online and in-person training clients for many years now. It’s been…
Should You Open a Second Location for Your Fitness Studio? 6 Things to Consider First April 15, 2019 So you own a fitness studio. There comes a point in every entrepreneur’s life when they start to…
3 Tips to Make Tax Season Less Stressful as a Fitness Professional April 10, 2019 No one likes tax season (except maybe accountants, that is). All that number crunching, nail-biting, sorting through important…
Get in the Game with Personal Training for Athletes April 1, 2019 Do you, or have you, trained athletes in your in-person training business? If so, then why can’t you…
Why Online Personal Training is the Key to Finding a Healthy Work-Life Balance March 25, 2019 In December 2016, after returning from maternity leave, I was laid off my job. I was devastated because…