As personal trainers, we look to take advantage of the new year, new me wave of potential clients. But are you making the most of the holiday season? Or are you missing out on an influx of individuals unsure on the right direction to take?
For many, the beginning of the holiday season is filled with mixed emotions and ideas. People traveling home to see loved ones, gearing up for comfort food, and good times with loved ones. This can be a great time for potential new clients to give their family something to talk about. But how do they start? Who can help? How are they supposed to afford travel, gifts, and a healthy lifestyle? Let us not forget that life still happens and commitments do not stop simply because of an extended weekend.
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Capitalize on the Season
This is your opportunity to show people why you are the right personal trainer for the job. As someone who has faced similar dilemmas, this is your chance to share your insight on how to juggle all of the added stress. But people who are nervous on beginning a new fitness journey and life overhaul are most likely nervous about putting in the extra cash towards something they are unsure of. Time for you to create educational posts and content showcasing the ease of training on the go. By getting ready before the holidays you can prepare different types of training plans for all types of potential clients. Some things like a no equipment hotel workout, or a morning ritual for extra calorie burn, create ways for people to get their blood flowing and earn those delicious treats at grandma’s house.
Prepare and Motivate Your Clients
But with all of this potential you have to be ready to handle the added workload. Creating pre-planned 8 week challenges you can set yourself up for success when it comes to sending out exercise plans to those eager to see what you are made of. The best part of a challenge is a prize or a gift for the one who shows the most improvement or dedication towards their new lifestyle. This can have a multitude of benefits for you such as helping motivate them to stick with the plan and stay on the bandwagon, create a sense of friendly competition that might cause them to spread your name around to friends and increasing your clientele, and use them as free advertisement to show people you are the one who gets results.
At the end of the day, you cannot forget who or what it is all about. The client feeling confident and happy with themselves around the ones they love. You can be the one who they talk about at the table. With all that said, do not forget to give yourself some much needed time to reset and relax. If you are not operating on all cylinders, your clients will not be either. Be sure to have a safe and happy holiday season! Good luck out there personal trainers. Stay motivated!