Client EngagementHabit and Lifestyle CoachingLifestyle and Wellness The Top 10 Wellness Trends in 2024

Hey there fitness pros! Let’s talk about wellness trends. In our (not so humble) opinion, they’re not just a fad; they’re the gateway to how clients think about their health, fitness, and overall well-being. And, 2024 is shaking things up a bit. Because, in recent years, we’ve moved from surface-level trends like juice cleanses to an overall more holistic approach. Think long-term health and personalized wellness.

So let’s dive into what’s trending in 2024 and how these changes are shaping the way we help our clients.

Top 10 Wellness Trends in 2024

From at-home fitness solutions to wearables and biometrics, people are prioritizing data-driven insights and holistic well-being. Trends like gut health, women’s health, and even sleep optimization are coming to the forefront. That’s because, these trends emphasize that wellness isn’t just about exercise—it’s about lifestyle. Staying ahead of these trends will help you provide more effective and tailored solutions for your clients.

So without further ado, here’s our top 10 wellness trends in 2024..

#1: Health at home (and at work)

It’s no secret that with the rise of remote work, people are prioritizing health routines that fit into their home life. Think of virtual workouts, meditation apps, and home gym setups becoming a staple. For you, this means offering virtual training sessions or home-friendly workout plans that clients can follow.

And, as the lines between home and work continue to blur, maintaining health in the workplace has become increasingly important. Whether in a traditional office setting or a home office, more and more employers are recognizing the value of promoting a healthy lifestyle at work. This means incorporating corporate wellness programs that encourage movement, mental health breaks, and healthy eating habits throughout the workday.

ABC Trainerize allows you to create custom programs, track progress, and offer on-demand video coaching to clients from one platform. So, whether you’ve got PT clients trying to stay fit as they work from home, or are providing online fitness classes to an organization’s team members, we can helps you keep motivation and accountability high.

#2: Wearables

Wearables have been around a few years now, and they don’t look like going away. In fact, they look set to be more important then ever. These days, Fitbits, Apple Watches, Oura Rings— are the ultimate accountability partners. Clients want data. They want to know how much they’re sleeping, how many calories they’re burning, and whether they hit their daily step goal. As a trainer, syncing your plans with these wearables gives you a cutting edge advantage.

With ABC Trainerize, you’re able to integrate your clients’ data into your training programs with the Apple Watch App. This allows you to offer real-time insights that help you fine-tune their workouts and push them to their goals faster. 

#3: Biometrical data

Gone are the days where progress was measured by weight and body measurements alone. Now, it’s all about biometrics—heart rate variability, VO2 max, stress levels, and sleep patterns. So, if you’re able to help your clients track these advanced metrics or point them in the right direction, you’ll not only improve their fitness results but give them a more holistic view of their health.

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#4: Clinical over clean

Next, 2024 has seen a shift in how people look at “clean” products. Instead of choosing natural or organic products for the label, people are starting to value clinically proven benefits over marketing buzzwords. For trainers, this means helping clients sift through the noise and focus on supplements or recovery tools that are backed by science, not just trends.

Psst, this is also a great time to think about incorporating the ABC Trainerize affiliate program into your offerings. By recommending clinically proven products to clients (that align with their goals),  not only do you enhance their results but you get to tap into another potential revenue stream. All while staying true to what’s actually effective for their health. It’s a win-win. 

#5: Doctor recommendations

Along the same lines, these days, more people are turning to their doctors for fitness advice. So, as a trainer, collaborating with healthcare providers can help boost your credibility. Whether it’s helping a client manage a chronic condition or providing tips for post-rehab nutrition, staying in tune with medical trends is key to keeping up with the latest trends.

#6: Women’s health

Women’s health has become a major focus in 2024, and it’s about time. Whether it’s addressing hormonal health, pre-and postnatal care, or menopause-friendly workouts, women want more from their fitness plans. As a trainer, understanding these unique health needs will set you apart and make your programs more inclusive.

To help, start by educating yourself on key topics like the impact of different life stages on metabolism, energy levels, and recovery. Next, tailor your workout programs to support these changes, incorporating strength training, low-impact exercises, and flexibility work. 

Then use ABC Trainerize to deliver personalized programs that include things like pregnancy-safe modifications, or specialized routines for managing menopause symptoms. This level of care and detail not only supports your clients’ health but strengthens your connection with them. Boosting their retention and lifetime value with your programs.

Free Guide: Using Your App to Grow Your Health and Wellness Business

#7: Gut health

Gut health isn’t just a buzzword. Research shows how much it influences everything from mood to metabolism. For your clients, this could mean incorporating tips on nutrition that support gut health or offering meal plans that promote a balanced microbiome. It’s not just about cutting out sugar; it’s about eating for optimal digestion and energy.

With the ABC Trainerize Smart Meal Planner, you can create personalized meal plans that focus on gut-friendly foods like fermented veggies, whole grains, and fiber-rich options. Plus, your clients are able track their nutrition and easily generate grocery lists. Making it simpler for them to stick to their gut-health goals.

#8: Sexual health

Once a taboo topic, sexual health is gaining traction as a key component of overall well-being. With more people opening up about issues like libido, hormonal imbalances, and sexual confidence, this is a new frontier for wellness. As a trainer, staying informed on how physical fitness can impact sexual health allows you to provide better guidance to your clients.

Coaches and trainers could try pairing up with a good pelvic health specialist. Through collaboration  you’ll  help your clients get the support they need for pelvic floor health, which plays a critical role in improving sexual function, confidence, and overall well-being. Together, you can offer a holistic approach that addresses both fitness and sexual health concerns.

#9: Sleep

It’s been said that sleep is the new cardio. People are finally understanding how critical sleep is for recovery, mental health, and even weight loss. And, if your clients aren’t getting enough Zs, their workouts won’t have the same impact. That’s why incorporating sleep hygiene tips into your fitness plans helps set you apart from the competition and keeps your clients on track! .

#10: Blue Zone dieting

The Blue Zones—those regions of the world where people live the longest—are inspiring how we think about nutrition. Blue Zone diets are rich in whole foods, plant-based, and emphasize longevity over quick-fix solutions. Helping your clients adopt a sustainable approach to eating, inspired by these principles, can help lead them to healthier, longer lives.

With ABC Trainerize’s Smart Meal Planner, you can easily create Blue Zone-inspired meal plans that focus on nutrient-dense foods like legumes, whole grains, and plenty of veggies. Plus, you can help your clients generate grocery lists, making it easier for them to shop for the ingredients they need to stay on track and maintain a diet rooted in long-term health benefits.

What’s Next?

Bottom Line: Health and wellness in 2024 is all about personalization, science-backed decisions, and holistic health. With ABC Trainerize in your back pocket, you’ll be ready to guide your clients through this next wave of wellness like a pro.

ABC Trainerize is your secret weapon to stay ahead of wellness trends and help your clients crush their  goals. Our platform integrates with wearables, offers nutrition coaching (including gut-friendly meal plans), and supports virtual training sessions. This keeps your clients engaged and on track with their goals—whether it’s improving sleep, optimizing biometrics, or managing a chronic condition.

See for yourself – sign up for a 30-day free trial today!

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