Business GrowthSales and Marketing Why Cross-Promotion Should Be Your Fitness Business’s Secret Marketing Sauce

Why Cross-Promotion Is Fitness Business's Secret Marketing Weapon

Photo via @michellerileyfit

Cross-promotion is the single most efficient way to make the most out of your fitness business, grow your clientele, increase your revenue, and improve retention rates. I hope that if you don’t already, you’ll begin using cross-promotion today!

First off, what is cross-promotion? Cross-promotion is a form of marketing where customers of one product or service are targeted with promotion of a related product or service.

I cannot tell you enough how amazing cross-promotion is. This article will tell you exactly how to do it within your own fitness business by following these strategic tips.

The reason cross-promotion works in a fitness business is because, say a client has already purchased a training program from you. One, you already have their trust because they have purchased from you (and you’re so great at your job!). This experience erases the initial selling process where they are likely to have some barriers against buying from you. Second, since you are now their fitness expert, they are hungry for more and will always be ready to invest more in other services or products offered.

Some examples of products to cross-promote would be:

  1. Apparel
  2. Nutrition Services
  3. 30 Day Challenges
  4. Books
  5. Courses

Now let’s give you some ways on how to cross-promote some of these listed services above in your own fitness business.

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Strategy 1: Build buzz for a new product or service.

Make sure you have your product or service finalized and ready to go. Before jumping the gun and showing your audience your new service, get them excited! Start by luring them in with social media posts about your new product, talking about it to your existing clients, and making sure you’re providing the value behind this new service or product. When you’re ready for your launch, your audience will be ready to purchase because of this strategic cross-promotion.

Strategy 2: Create upselling features in your current services.

For instance, your client has purchased a training program with you. One of my most effective ways to cross-promote is to attach a discount or incentive offer for the client to purchase another one of my services. They are already excited about starting your program and will be likely to want to add an additional service or product.

Strategy 3: Continue cross-promotions in your weekly emails to your clients.

Always include a Call to Action by including one of your additional services in your emails, making sure these offers are always subtly in your client’s view. Likewise, continue talking about additional services in your social media platforms and again, always providing a Call to Action such as “Invest in yourself with a nutrition plan now!” to make these additional services appealing.

Strategy 4: Find a cross-promotion partner!

If you’re focused on one particular service and don’t have it in your short term plans to launch additional products or services like the ones I’ve listed above, find a partner! Physiotherapists, massage therapists, nutritionists, life coaches—all of these professionals could be ideal cross-promotion partners for you. Team up for a social media contest to grow both your audiences, or offer each others’ clients a discount!

I hope this article inspires you to either get started on your cross-promotion strategy, or to increase your current methods of cross-promotion!

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